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If you choose to build the plugin yourself, first clone the repository.

After that, initialize the submodules by running:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Then run:

scons platform=PLATFORM_HERE target=TARGET_HERE

The required compilation parameters are:

  • platform: windows, macos, linux or android
  • target: template_debug or template_release

For android, you also have to add: arch=arm64v8 and you only need to generate the template_release since template_debug is not used.

You can optionally add -j<cores> to use a set number of cores to build this asset. For example: -j4

The files will be placed in: demo/addons/godot_oculus_platform/bin

Android Plugin

This plugin also requires an Android plugin to work with the Quest platform. To build the android plugin you have to navigate to tools/godotoculusplatform-android-plugin and run:

On windows:

.\gradlew.bat build

On linux:

./gradlew build

Finally, you have to copy the files into place:

Source Destination
demo/addons/godot_oculus_platform Your projet's addon folder
tools/godotoculusplatform-android-plugin/godotoculusplatform-android-plugin/build/outputs/aar/godotoculusplatform-android-plugin-release.aar addons/godot_oculus_platform/android_plugin
tools/godotoculusplatform-android-plugin/godotoculusplatform-android-plugin/build/outputs/aar/godotoculusplatform-android-plugin-debug.aar addons/godot_oculus_platform/android_plugin


Make sure to enable the Godot Oculus Platform plugin in your Project Settings.